All Rights Reserved © Allan W King
Advantage of Buying Platinum Prints
Highly collectable Platinum Prints are made by the process of contact printing a negative of the same size required for the final print, i.e. – an 8 X 10 platinum print will require an 8 X 10 negative – However, these negatives can also be enlarged to produce exceptional ultra-large silver gelatin prints.
Because the platinum / palladium process is essentially a hands on printmaking process, no two prints in an edition can be, or will be exactly the same. All platinum / palladium prints are produced in an edition size of twenty one (21) prints. In addition. three (3) are produced as an archive proof. two (2) as a museum proof. one (1) as a bona tirer and seven (7) as an artist’s proof.
This provides an opportunity to establish an accurate database as to the location and who the owner of the print is. If there is a question of fraudulent copying or representation, theft or loss of a print, it’s original destination and owner can be easily confirmed.
All original platinum/palladium prints are signed by the artist on the rebate of the print in graphite at the bottom of the photograph.This in itself makes copying otherwise impossible because of the texture of the graphite signature on the platinum substrate cannot be duplicated by any process and cannot be erased or removed except by destruction or excising that portion of the rebate. Prints are provided unmounted.
Many buyers and collectors are also concerned about how many prints have already been made and remain to be produced. This is because prints of later edition numbers are deemed more
collectible .
As editions become sold out, the price of each succeeding print increases because fewer and fewer prints remain to be purchased general public.